The word – cyber security – is being mentioned more and more these days. Hacker attacks and new viruses have become very dangerous and for that institutions, companies, organizations and ordinary consumers are looking for an option to fight them. You can take some measures with the help of which you can protect yourself from unauthorized access and programs with malicious code. In the next few lines, we will give you seven ways to protect yourself from hacking and insidious viruses. And now, we won’t continue with the introduction because it’s time to pass on the important tips to users.

Protect your privacy on the internet

First and foremost, it’s important to protect your personal data. For example, when you register with an online store, make sure it is legitimate. Read the privacy policy to make sure you know where you are shopping. The same goes for gambling. Handing over documents on the web can be dangerous and that’s why there are casinos without verification in New Zealand. There is no requirement to send ID at these and that is why they are so popular.

Be aware that hackers can use your personal details for selfish purposes. From this point of view, it is necessary to take all kinds of precautions. Do not keep scanned/photographed IDs on your computer or mobile device as it is dangerous. If you do send documents, you need to make sure the recipient will not misuse them.

Use an antivirus program

Get an antivirus program at all costs. You can purchase such software at an affordable price, so do not hesitate to make this investment. Make sure the program are updated regularly to protect you from new viruses and Trojans. There are also free antivirus programs on the internet, but we do not recommend them as they are not updated regularly. In some cases you may be offered a free antivirus that can harm the device you are using.

Be careful what sites you visit

Many New Zealanders don’t take care when surfing the web. They visit all sorts of sites that stick viruses on their computer and make their devices vulnerable. In that line of thought, it’s a good idea to go for the proven online platforms rather than logging into every single site. Be especially careful with adult sites, as they are the most likely to cause problems. There are many forums on the net where you can check which sites are legitimate or fake.

We’ll come back to antivirus programs for a second, which often have settings to detect infected websites. Use these options so that any attempted infection or hacking is blocked. These are all good practices to protect yourself from a system breach.

Do not open anonymous emails

In case you receive an email from an unknown source and with unknown content, you need to approach it with criticality. We recommend that you do not open these emails because they may contain viruses. Last but not least, do not open files with unknown content. Once you open such a file, you will fall into the hands of hackers and they will do whatever they want with your computer.

At the same time check the sources well, because very often, hackers send letters on behalf of banks and government institutions. This is so-called phishing, which aims to steal your online banking login details or other personal data.

Choose legitimate software

Unfortunately, many users want to save money on legal software and this leads them to download cracked programs from the web. Most often, this software is accompanied by a virus that makes your computer or device vulnerable. By installing dubious and free programs, you can infect your machine and thus have all your information stolen. Better pay for the software product if you want to be sure it is safe.

We want to mention here that on most torrent sites, the programs come from anonymous persons, and this can be very dangerous. Yes, the software is free, but this is what should make you cautious. It’s not worth falling victim to hacking to save a buck.

Do not accept files from strangers

Recently, suspicious entities have been showing up on social networks looking to connect with you and become your friend. Most of the time they pose as women and want to send you files of their nude photos and videos. Do not accept these files if you do not want your device to be infected. These are generally scammers looking for an easy way to get their hands on your data. It is wisest to ignore such people so that you do not fall into the trap they are setting for you.

The above applies in full force to all kinds of chat rooms, dating sites, suspicious letters and so on. In case you still want to contact someone on the net, first make sure it is a real person, and only then accept files. It may not be easy, but it is the right way.

Vary your passwords

There are users on the internet who use the same password for their different email addresses, login details to websites, social networks and so on. However, this is a gross mistake as your password can be stolen and then used to hack your data. From this point of view, make an effort to invent and diversify your passwords. Use combinations of numbers and digits to make them more complicated to crack. In case you are worried about forgetting your passwords, you can write them down in a notebook that only you have access to.

A final word

Surfing the internet is one of your favourite pastimes, but as you have found out you can become a victim of online crime. The information on your computer or mobile device can be stolen and used to steal personal data, money or documents. Guided by this, it is a good idea to take advantage of the guidance written above.

If you approach with due care, it is harder to be hacked or infected with a virus. Naturally, nothing and nothing can ever be 100% certain, but it is better to act than wait for something bad and unpleasant to happen. At the end of this article, we would like to wish you fewer security problems and more occasions to rejoice. We hope this article has been helpful.