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How to Always Be on Time: 7 Easy Tips Everyone Can Follow


Today, it seems unreal to have time to do everything. You either suffer a fiasco at work or face disappointment in your personal life. These 7 tips will help you manage everything and not go crazy.

Analyze Your Day

At the heart of effective time management is clear timekeeping.

Take a notebook and a clock and start recording what you do and how much time you need for each task. Also take into account the time for rest and the periods when you go to social media, texting with friends.

Repeat this exercise daily for a week. It’ll give you a complete picture because that way it will be harder for you to fool yourself and hide the unproductive time.

Then collect the data in one table and determine how much time you spend on various activities. Chances are, after such an analysis, you will find the reason why you don’t get anything done.

Make Time for Rest

No matter how strong a person is, their resources are limited. Working hard, completing all the tasks, you have to understand that one day you will feel completely exhausted.

To avoid this, you should rest regularly. It means you must get enough sleep daily, take a weekend during the week, and go on vacation at least twice a year. And such activities shouldnt be related to your work. For example, if you’re an accountant, you can try sewing, learn about the rules of your favorite sports and bet on them on 22Bet Senegal, or go dancing tango.

With all the importance of your position at work, there will always be time to recuperate. When you’re rested, you’ll work more efficiently, and you’ll be able to see new opportunities.

Plan Your Day

To get everything done and not go crazy, define a plan for the new day. Write down the tasks and specify the time frame for their execution. Everything should be clearly and concretely spelled out.

Throughout the day, try to accomplish what you have planned. If you don’t have time for something, note the reasons. Constantly check the plan. Set a goal to do exactly what you have planned, do not look for unnecessary excuses if you did not manage to do it.

This exercise isn’t for one day. Make short-term plans all the time. It will allow you to organize yourself, to see the full picture of the events and actions that you do.

However, you may ask a quite logical question – why can’t you make a plan for a month or a week at once. The problem is that life is constantly changing, making adjustments, some things lose relevance.

Because of this, it’s easy to abandon what was previously planned. The whole idea of having a clear plan and striving to fulfill it loses its meaning. Life again turns into a mishmash of events that you can’t control and regulate.


An important part of time management is the ability to choose what you should and can do first. Let’s say you have several tasks, and they are all urgent. Determine their order of priority:

  • At work, you have to make a report.
  • You have an unfinished book.
  • You need to buy tickets for a vacation.

Setting priorities won’t work if you don’t know the background of each task. So, defining what is more important for you at the moment, you should have in front of you maximum information.

Set Concrete Goals

Any task should be specific, well-defined, and clear. If you haven’t taken a vacation all year, working weekends, you need to take a break. Just to say vaguely about it is to say nothing. But if you’re clear that you plan to take a week off, turn off your phone, and go to Dubai and see particular places, that’s a specific goal.

Learn to Delegate Responsibilities

The main problem that causes people not to get anything done is the inability to delegate responsibilities to those around them. This applies to work as well as at home.

  • If you feel that you are stuck in the office, tell your boss that you do not have time to do the work, explain the reason.
  • If you are the boss, identify some of the responsibilities that don’t require your close attention, pass them on to your subordinates.
  • At home, ask your relatives to help you. Also offer them to take on some responsibilities. For example, check the trash every morning, throw it away, and buy groceries for the day.

Don’t Leave Important Tasks for Later

It’s often the case that you can easily prioritize. However, because the important thing is hard to get done, you leave it for later. As a result, when the hour X comes, you have to forget about other tasks and urgently deal with what was a priority even earlier.

So there’s no reason to freak out afterward, get things done on time.  Sometimes it is difficult, even seems impossible, but that is what willpower and stubbornness are for.